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Is Viagra exclusively for men?

Is Viagra exclusively for men? provides you with requisite details about Viagra usage and the precautions a user needs to take. Moreover, the common question whether women can use Viagra or not has also been tried to be put up on this page of Is Viagra exclusively for men?

The immense popularity of Viagra as a medication to treat erectile dysfunction has given birth to this common idea that it is a libido enhancer and can be used by women also. The experts contradict such ideas with reference to the way Viagra functions. Erectile dysfunction is a frequently occurring sexual malfunction in males that suggests an inability of a person to achieve and maintain an erection for the required period of time. There can be different psychological and physical factors responsible for this condition. However, in more than 70% of cases, physical conditions like blood circulatory problems, arterial disorder, blood clogging within arteries, cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure cause erectile dysfunction. It is due to these factors that the required amount of blood flow in the penis is interrupted and sufficient blood pressure is not created that can harden the penile muscles.

The PDE-5 inhibitory capacity of sildenafil citrate or Viagra keeps the penile blood vessels relaxed by stopping the enzyme from functioning so that extra blood flow occurs in the penis. Considering the functional mechanism of Viagra, it can be clearly realised that people with problems like premature ejaculation or lack of libido will not receive the desired relief from Viagra. Being a medication to treat erectile dysfunction, this medication can only be prescribed to males and must not be administered among women with the expectation that it would help them to enjoy a better libido.

Is Viagra only for men?

While you search for the right source to purchase Viagra over internet, you may come across the term ‘female Viagra’. It is not unnatural on your part to speculate that Pfizer Inc. has introduced Viagra for women also. Actually these are generic medications that use the term Viagra as a way to increase sales of these products. Female sexual dysfunction is characterised by lack of response to the sexual stimulation, reluctance towards sexual intimation and difficulty to experience an orgasm. The medicinal properties of Viagra cannot improve these conditions and administering this medication to solve these problems may lead to other health complications. However, the good news is that extensive research is going on to come up with such a medication that would address sexual dysfunction of women with the same effectiveness as that of Viagra.

Precautions that a Viagra user needs to consider

Several tempting ideas regarding Viagra have been weaved within the popular culture and adherence to those often brings forth unnecessary physical problems for males. Apart from the common notions that Viagra improves male libido and capacity to perform better during sexual involvement, people also believe that taking extra dosages of this medication can enlarge penis size. Due to these, people who don’t have an erectile problem also use this medication and expose themselves to the risk of suffering from problems like a sudden rise in blood pressure, chest pain, heart rhythm disorder, and kidney failure. People with existing cardiac problems or those who have recently recovered from it may encounter life threatening risks if they take this medication without prescription. Using Viagra as an intoxicant by mixing it with illicit drugs like MDMA and ecstasy or with amyl or butyl nitrate may be fatal as the combination lowers blood pressure dangerously.